Tuesday 29 September 2015

3 Types of Servers

The 3 types of servers

There are 3 main computer servers; file servers, printer servers and email servers.

File servers: this is a server dedicated to storing files and documents, any user on the network can store files on the server. 

Network server: this is a server that manages network traffic on a single device.

Print Server: this is a server that connects printers to peoples computers over a network, it accepts print jobs from the computers and sends them to the appropriate printers.

Friday 18 September 2015

The difference between The Internet and WWW

Many People wonder if and what the difference

Is between the internet and WWW

(world wide web) 


People commonly use the internet meaning web and vice versa. However this is a actually wrong, as the internet is the container of the information and the web is only how you access that information.

The internet; Is a massive network that connects everything together it is the infrastructure for the web.

The WWW; Is the space where all the information and document are stored, they are identified by URIs, interlinked by hypertext links to get to the correct page.

The massive difference is that with out the internet you would not have the web as the internet lets everyone (that is connected to WIFI) to access the information from the web.

Graphic design showing internet elements - DrAfter123/Vetta/Getty Images